Geriatric Dentistry

Geriodontics is the delivery of dental care to older adults involving the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of problems associated with normal aging and age-related diseases as part of an interdisciplinary team with other health care professionals. The dental diseases that the elderly are particularly prone to are root caries, attrition, periodontal disease, missing teeth because of earlier neglect, edentulism, poor quality of alveolar ridges, ill-fitting dentures, mucosal lesions, oral ulceration, dry mouth (xerostomia), oral cancers, and rampant caries.

Relatedconference | Dentistry  Conferences | Dentistry  Events | Dentistry  Meetings | ConferenceSeries Ltd 19th American Dental Congress, December 08-10, 2016 Phoenix, USA, 18th International Conference on Oral Health and Maxillofacial Surgery December 5-6, 2016 Madrid, Spain. 18th Asia-Pacific Dental and Oral Care Congress, November 21-23, 2016 Melbourne, Australia, 17th  World Congress on Oral Care and Dental Hygiene November 14-16, 2016 Orlando, USA, 15th Euro Congress on Dental & Oral Health October 24-26, 2016 Rome, Italy, Special Care Dentistry Association (SCDA), American Dental Association, IADR GERIATRIC ORAL RESEARCH GROUP (GORG)

  • Geriodontics is the delivery of dental care to older adults involving the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of problems associated with normal aging and age-related diseases as part of an interdisciplinary team with other health care professionals. The

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New York, USA
March 21-22, 2025

34th Euro Dentistry Congress

Paris, France
March 24-25, 2025

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Paris, Germany
April 17-18, 2025

14th World Summit on Oral Health and Dentistry

Paris, France
April 28-29, 2025

7th International Conference on Dental Practice

Bali, Indonesia
May 27-28, 2025

6th Annual Congress on Dental Health and Oral Care

Vancouver, Canada
June 16-17, 2025

46th World Dental Science and Oral Health Congress

Amsterdam, Netherlands
June 26-27, 2025

37th Annual World Dentistry Summit

Vancouver, Canada
June 26-27, 2025

36th American Dentistry Congress

Orlando, USA
October 20-21, 2025

33rd International Conference on Dental

Barcelona, Spain

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